2018 Mini-Reunion Attendance Survey
We need to start to make final arrangements for the Fall, 2017 Mini-Reunion in Kennebunkport, Maine. It will help up a great deal if everyone in the classes included in this reunion (if you are getting this email) will answer the short survey below regardless of your current plans to attend or not attend, as we need to start to get a reasonably accurate count on who is going to be here. These answers are non-binding, of course, but if things do change, please let us know by filling out a new survey. This can also be found on the chapter website -- unionbetas.com -- under the "Reunions" tab. If you want to know the schedule of event for the weekend and other local information, see our Visiting Maine page . If you want lodging information, we some general information for you on our Lodging Page and you can use that information as you go on the Internet to finalize your plans.